Extra PINs Let You Know Who Is Coming and Going at Home

Posted August 15th, 2016 by SimpliSafe

Additional PIN safety

A secure PIN (Personal Identification Number) is essential to keeping your home safe. Your unique PIN means that only you can turn off your alarm system. Selecting a safe PIN isn’t tricky, but one of the best things to in order to keep your PIN secure is to keep it to yourself. This way, it’s not being passed around to who knows who. The last thing you want is for people to be able to easily guess your PIN, based on other password information, your birthdate, address, or more. Keeping it to yourself ensures that no one will be able to guess it, or find it accidentally. But if you have many family members coming out of your house, this might sound like a challenge. Don’t worry- it’s easy to create multiple PINs for your family members, or whomever you need to give one to. Extra PINs allow you to control your system, see who is coming and going, and know that your personal security is never compromised.

1. A PIN for Every Family Member

With SimpliSafe Home Security, you can have up to five PINs. This means that every member of your family can have one, and there’s no need to share. Each kid can have one. When they disarm the system using their PIN, you can receive a Smart Alert, a text message or email, letting you know exactly who has arrived home. This is a great feature for parents whose teenagers come home after school by themselves. You’ll never have to worry about whether they arrived home safely or not. You’ll also know if they miss curfew at night. If your teens only have their own PIN, they wouldn’t be able to escape your watchful eye!

home security PIN

2. Create PINs for House Sitters, Dog Walkers, and Real Estate Agents

You can make an extra PIN whenever you need one, and then remove it when that person should no longer be able to access your PIN. Unlike security systems that only allow you one PIN, you don’t need to worry about a stranger having your regular, everyday PIN. If you have a house sitter coming to stay in your home for a week, they don’t need to access your home any old day. Create the PIN right before the week starts, and remove it once they’re time is over. You won’t have to worry about who has ever accessed your home- and if they still will need to!

Similarly, it’s perfect for real estate agents. If you’re selling your home, you still want to protect it (and for some, more than ever so they can sell it and not worry about damage!). But real estate agents can complicate the situation. The answer is easy: create an extra PIN. Like with your teenagers, you’ll receive a text message or email alert. You’ll be able to see when your house is shown to potential buyers and when the realtor is accessing your house by getting an alert whenever their PIN is used.

Have a dog walker who should come every day by a certain time? Create a PIN for them, set up a Smart Alert and make sure that Fido is getting the attention he should be.

3. Extra PINs Keep You In Control

What do extra PINs do? They let you (and whoever you give them to) disarm the system. That’s it. An extra PIN does not let a person access your advanced settings, either in the Easy Setup Wizard Software or through the Keypad menu! This means that they will not be able to change or remove PINs on their own, add or remove sensors, or change any other features. While you are giving them access to your house, they won’t have access to your home security system. You still maintain control over your home’s security.

Security alarm PIN

4. How to Add an Additional PIN

There are two ways to add extra PINs with your SimpliSafe alarm system. You can add these through the Easy Setup Wizard software on your Keychain Remote. To do so, plug the Keychain remote into your computer and open the software. Enter your Master PIN. From the main menu, select “Adjust Settings”. Here, you’ll be able to add additional PINs, as well as a duress PIN. When you’re done, press “Save Changes”, and then insert the Keychain Remote into your Base Station to apply the changes.

If you have Interactive Monitoring, you can add and remove PINs through your customer account online. Once you log in to your customer account, select “Alarm Settings” on the left-hand side. Here, you can enter your additional PINs. When done, press “Send Changes to Base Station”.

Extra PINs are a simple, easy way to stay on top of your home by know who is coming and going. Additional PINs keep you in control while keeping you protected!

How do you use additional PINs to keep an eye on your home?